Equity Statement
Equity Statement
Together, we will strive to create a socially just environment in our school community every single day where all people are treated with dignity and respect regardless of:
- Ability/Disability
- Ethnic/Racial Identity
- Nationality
- Social Class
- Economic Class
- Language
- Immigration Status
- Sexual Orientation
- Gender
- Gender Identity/Expression
- Family Type
- Religious/Spiritual Identity
- Other Identities not listed
are treated with dignity and respect.
As a staff, our intent is to provide a school environment that is welcoming and inclusive, where children are actively taught to celebrate differences, develop an understanding of their own identity, and develop a deep sense of belonging and significance. We will work to uphold equity, empathy and respect for our differences and ensure that all our students have the opportunity to reach their full potential
Our collective understanding of equity includes the following beliefs:
- Equity is an ardent journey toward well-being as defined by those most affected
- Equity demands sacrifice and redistribution of power and resources to break systems of oppression, heal continuing wounds, and realize justice
- To achieve equity and social justice, we must first root out deeply entrenched systems of racism
- Equity proactively builds strong foundations of agency, is vigilant for unintended consequences, and boldly aspires to be restorative
- Equity is disruptive and uncomfortable and not voluntary
- Equity is fundamental to the community we want to build