Magnolia Elementary


Family Communication 6/16/23

Dear Families,
Two more weeks together! I can’t believe we are coming to a close of the 22-23 school year. I have
really enjoyed getting to know our community- students, staff and families and feel very fortunate to be leading the work at Magnolia. The success of our school and our students has so much to do with your partnership. Thank you for centering our students and supporting our community. Have a wonderful long weekend!
In partnership,

Important Dates
6/19 No School- Juneteenth
6/21 5th Grade Service Project Presentations 6:30 (commons)
6/22 Field Day 12:30-2:00
6/28 5th Grade Graduation 6:30 (commons)
6/30 Last day of school- early release at 1:25
6/30 Picnic at the Park 5:30 (Ella Bailey)

Nuts & Bolts:

Balls on the Playground Before School
Balls are not allowed on the playground before school. This has been a firm previously, however recently we’ve noticed balls are out during this time. The reason for this is we do not have enough supervision to ensure students are safe before school when playing games that often require support with problem solving. Thank you for your help with this!

MES Volunteer Appreciation
This morning, the PTA honored our amazing volunteers at MES. I want to thank all volunteers who have supported our teachers, students and school operations this year! Your work with students and presence keeps our students safe and connected! I also want to send a huge thank you out to our PTA and our board. I have felt so supported and seen so many amazing events, partnerships and plans to build a strong and inclusive MES community. We are so lucky!

From Coach Skoog
We’re still looking for some more volunteers to help run stations at Field Day on June 22 (with June 29 as a backup in case of rain) from 12:30pm-2pm. If you are able to volunteer, please sign up. If you’d like a full description of the stations to help your decision

From the PTA

Last Taco Tuesday, June 20th 3pm-7pm
The last chance for this school year to have your yummy treats contribute towards the PTA with the
perfect weather to match the ice cream.

MES End of Year Picnic at the Park, June 30th 5:30pm
Come and celebrate the end-of-year in MES traditional picnic at the park (Ella Bailey, of course) with our community. Bring your dinner or snacks and don’t forget something comfortable to sit on. We can’t wait to see each and every one of you there!