MES Family Communication
MES Family Communication from Principal Harris and Miss Dickens 02/02/24
Good Afternoon, MES Families!
We hope you had a fantastic week! We’ve had a busy few weeks of learning and events at MES. One of the highlights for us was our incredible mural dedication assembly! Another highlight was celebrating so much reading growth school-wide. We are six months into using Magnetic Reading, and we are seeing an incredible amount of progress.
Here are a few important dates coming up:
- February 12th-15th our 5th graders are at IslandWood!
- February 19th-23rd No School for Mid-Winter break
- February 27th– Nutty Squirrel Taco Tuesday
- February 29th- MES PTA Game Night with Blue Highway Games
- March 1st All School Monthly Assembly at 8:30 in the gym
Please see some updates and information below, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
We hope you have a wonderful mid-winter break 🙂
In partnership,
Karen Harris and Jen Dickens
Mural Dedication Assembly
We had the pleasure of welcoming many special guests to MES for our mural dedication assembly. Muralist, Alex Chiu, shared with us the process he went through to bring this mural to life at Magnolia. Ken Workman, member of the Duwamish Tribe and 5th generation Great-Grandson of Chief Seattle, told the story of the DNA in the trees that is represented in our mural. It was so amazing to watch our students engage with these incredible people!

Drop-off…. We need your help!
We are continuing to work with SPS Safety and Security, families, PTA and our staff to come up with the safest solutions for our students and families and recognize that this has been quite a process! And, we need your help….. driveways and cross walks are continuing to be blocked daily during drop-off and pick-up. This is unsafe and frustrating to our neighbors. Please model being a safe and thoughtful community member for our students. Please do not park on McGraw or Smith Street during drop-off and pick-up. Please see the map below with suggestions of where you can park (marked in yellow). Thank you!

Magnolia Elementary School (MES) Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Update
MES Spirit Gear is Now Available for Order! (All crewnecks are currently $10 off!)
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Magnolia Elementary PTA Spirit Gear website!
Show your school pride and support the PTA by getting your hands on our awesome new spirit gear. From stylish t-shirts to cozy hoodies, we’ve got something for everyone! Whether you’re a student, parent or staff member, now is your chance to rock the latest and greatest MES apparel.
By purchasing spirit gear, you’ll not only be showing off your school spirit, but you’ll also be supporting our PTA and the amazing programs and initiatives they champion for our students and school community.
Let’s unite in spirit and style and make this school year truly unforgettable. Go Orcas!
Registration is now open for Girls on the Run at MES!
Magnolia Elementary will host a Girls on the Run After-School Program again this year. The program meets every Monday and Wednesday after school for 90 minutes each day from March 25th through May 22nd.
To register and be sure to select Magnolia Elementary from the drop-down menu.
Scholarships and supplies (shoes) are available if needed.
Student Safety Patrol Leader and Crossing Guard Needed!
We are looking for a parent or community member to run our Student Safety Patrol and we are also looking for a crossing guard.
This is a great opportunity for student leadership and for students to take ownership over student safety. Student safety patrol starts from 7:35am to 7:50am (when the bell rings) and from 2:20pm-2:40 pm (1:00-1:20pm on Wednesday’s).
The position responsibilities include creating a schedule and supervising students on patrol. This position pays a small stipend of $1,600.
Please email Sharla in the front office if you are interested.
Don’t miss important news, sign up for Orca Tales the MES PTA Newsletter.
Every other week important news and information is shared with the MES community through Orca Tales the MES PTA Newsletter.
Sign up for the MES PTA Newsletter so you don’t miss out on any important information.
Registration is now open for Magnolia Little League including Baseball, Softball, and Tee Ball.
Register for Magnolia Little League and for more details.
Registration closes January 31, 2024.