Magnolia Elementary


MES Family Communication from Principal Kelly 04/19/24

Dear Families,

I hope you’ve had a chance to enjoy some of the beautiful weather we’ve had this week. There is a different energy in the building that feels exciting and productive! We have a very exciting event coming up next week, Lit Fest! Please join us to celebrate our love of literacy with students and families.

A few quick reminders:

-Please check the lost and found for your student’s items
-Progress reports are available in the Source

In partnership,


Important Dates

Apr 19 6:00pm – MES PTA Family Movie Night
Apr 25 5:30pm – MES Lit FestApr 30 End of PTA Annual Giving Campaign

Project Based Learning

As a school, each student will engage in project-based learning this Spring. Project Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects ( You will learn more about the specific topics, content, and work your students are doing from your classroom teacher. At the end of our projects, we will plan a way to share them with the community! Please see the graphic below that shows the difference between teaching a unit of study and project-based learning.

Repeat- Spring Testing Information

Now that we are getting closer to the end of the year, I want to make you aware of standardized and end-of-year testing required in K-5. Your child’s teacher will communicate their specific schedule closer to the dates. First, I want to acknowledge that testing is a part of our current academic school experience. These tests measure one kind of intelligence on one day. They don’t give you the full depth and breadth of your child’s smarts! Your kids are smart in so many ways the test doesn’t show. The results do become important for creating a baseline in your child’s reading, writing and math education, and over the years growth can be tracked. It’s very important to us that students try their best, take the tests seriously, AND we don’t’ want to create anxiety around getting a certain score or placement. Doing their best is always enough.

SBA (Grades 3-5)
Smarter Balanced Assessment:
Students take the SBA test at Seattle Public Schools at the end of every school year beginning in third grade. This is a test that measures achievement in third-fifth grade standards. Students take math, reading and writing tests.

Scores are reported in two ways: scaled scores and achievement levels. See more information on scoring SBA here:

MAP (K-5)
Measuring Academic Progress:

The MAP test is one that students take every year in Seattle Schools at the beginning and end of the year. This is an adaptive test, which means if students get a question wrong, it will ask an easier question next and if they get it correct, they will try a more challenging question. The test attempts to find their just right scores and tests between grades K-5.

iReady End of Year Diagnostic (K-5)
This year our PTA funded a reading comprehension curriculum with classroom instruction called Magnetic Reading and a computer platform for personalized instruction called iReady. All students took a beginning-of-the-year (except K) placement diagnostic on their laptops in September (or when they started at MES). We did a mid-year diagnostic in January and the results were sent home. At the end of the year, students will take one more diagnostic to measure their growth this year. We take the diagnostic for about 30 minutes per day over a 3-4 day time period. This is the one test students will be most familiar with.

Updates from MES PTA

Magnolia Elementary School PTA’s Annual Giving Campaign Update

This is our one and only fundraising campaign of the year at MES. Your donation makes it possible to support the students and schools needs year round and provides entrance to all of our community building events.

We have raised $29,735 or 46% of our $65,000 goal.
Thank you to everybody who has already contributed!

We have achieved a participation of 35%,
helps us to drive this higher!

Help us reach our $65,000 goal for Magnolia Elementary PTA!
We have extended the campaign and your support can make a difference!

So click here to give today.

Every donation, regardless of size, helps us advance our mission of making every child’s potential a reality.

These funds will support the MES PTA 2023-2024 Budget which was developed and approved in last year’s general meeting in May 2023.

Where Does My Money Go?

Academic Development – iReady Magnetic Reading, Reading Intervention Tutors, Reading Intervention Support, In School Assemblies, After-School Program, and Project Based Learning.

Staff Support and Development – Recess and Lunch Supervisors, Professional Development Trainings, and Classroom and School Supplies.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Community Cultural Celebration, Light Celebration, Families in Need Support, Outreach to New Families, and Parent Education.

Community Building – Engaging Free community events, such as the Fall Festival, Blue High Way Games Night, Movie Nights, Fun Run, Talent Show, Back to School Picnic, and many more. These events are designed to strengthen bonds within our school community and create lasting memories for all who attend.

Many employers will also match your donation. So please check our list online of already identified matching employers and if you don’t see yours there reach out to us below.

So click here to give today.

If you have any questions email our advancement chair.

Lights, Camera, Fun!

Join Us on Friday Apr 19 for an Unforgettable Magnolia Elementary School PTA Family Movie Night!

Grab your Free Popcorn and get ready for an amazing evening of entertainment.

We will be sending out a poll next week to our MES PTA Facebook Group so that you with your student can vote on what movie we will watch!

We will be watching Migration.

6:00pm – Doors Open – Smith Street Entrance
6:00 – 6:30pm – Arts & Crafts & Parent Social – The Commons
6:30pm – Movie Starts – The Gym

Remember to bring your coziest blankets, favorite stuffed animals, fluffiest pillows, and low back lawn chairs.

We will also be having the grounds (outdoor area) available for any students who would rather do something active instead of watching the movie.

So mark your calendars and bring the whole family for a night of cinematic magic!

We still need volunteers for this event. If you are able to volunteer, please reach out to
our Volunteer Coordinator. Thank you.