Magnolia Elementary


Student and Family Handbook

Magnolia Student and Family Handbook 

This handbook contains essential information about Magnolia Elementary and answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. Please contact the school or your child’s teacher if you have specific questions or concerns.

Information in this handbook is subject to change pending updated health and safety guidelines from the district and state. If you have specific questions about district policies and procedures, please visit the Seattle Public Schools website.

The Magnolia Elementary PTA has previously offered after-school classes such as Watercolors, Chess, Basketball, Drama, Zumba, STEM Legos, and Mandarin. The offerings vary each quarter and are dependent upon the willingness of the leader to hold the activity. Information is published on the Magnolia PTA website and in the PTA newsletter.

Kids Co Childcare offers on-site after-school care, on a space-available basis.

Policies for after school activities:

  • The family must provide transportation.
  • School firms are in effect during the activity.
  • Activities are run by the individual or group that submitted the building permit and secured approval for the activity. All issues that arise regarding the activity are to be directed to the sponsor/leader of the activity. Issues that may arise include discipline, financial aid, and membership.
  • Limitations on the activity are at the discretion of the leader of the activity, not the school administration.
  • Families must communicate absences or early pick-up needs with the activity leader.
  • All questions about the after-school activities should be directed to the leader/sponsor of the activity.
  • Organizations/Individuals that sponsor after-school activities must follow school board policy.
  • Fees are charged for all after-school activities. Scholarships are available. Contact the activity leader for specific information.
  • Magnolia after-school activities are for current Magnolia students only.

Adult supervision will be provided for students beginning at 7:35 AM. Students may not be dropped off at school before 7:35 AM.  

If you plan to drop your student by car, you may only use the drop-off zone heading north on 28th Ave. W. 

Beginning at 7:35 AM, students are welcome to be in the courtyard, or in the Commons for breakfast. The first bell rings at 7:50 AM, at which time students will line up. School staff will greet and escort classroom lines into the building.  

If a student arrives after the 7:55 AM bell, the student and their adult will need to buzz in at the main office and the adult will need to sign them in. Students say goodbye to their adult in the office and walk to class. 

Students who ride the bus will be greeted at the bus zone by a staff member, and directed to the Commons for breakfast, or the courtyard for supervised play.  

Drop Off Firms for Grown-Ups: 

  • I model being a responsible and respectful community member by obeying all traffic laws and regulations, including school designated no-parking zones  
  • I only do car drop-off in the designated area on 28th Ave W 
  • I park outside the designated area and walk with my child to the courtyard, entering from the McGraw St gate 
  • I drop my student off between 7:35-7:50 AM each morning, because I understand that instruction begins at 7:55 AM 
  • I understand that the McGraw St gate closes at 7:55 AM. At that time, I escort my student to the main entrance 
  • Beginning at 8 AM, I walk with my student into the main office and sign them in as a late arrival  
  • I understand that the expectation is for my child to walk to class on their own, except for preschool students 
  • I sign in as a visitor and take a badge on the rare occasion that I do walk my child to class 


If you are picking your student up from school, please be onsite no later than 2:25 PM (1:10 PM on Wednesdays). When the dismissal bell rings, staff members will walk students out to the courtyard.  

Students who ride the bus home will meet at the large M mural near the main office and will be escorted to the bus by a staff member. If your child regularly rides the bus, but you have made alternative transportation plans for the afternoon please communicate that to your child’s teacher and Ms. Punniya. The bus will leave promptly at 2:35 PM (1:20 PM on Wednesdays).  

Students attending Kids Co. Childcare will walk to the Commons after the bell rings. Other afterschool programs will communicate their procedures directly to families.  

If you have arranged for an adult who is not on your contact list to pick up your child, you must inform the office by email or phone call. Please do not call or email the classroom teacher; it is highly likely that your message will not be received in time. Please understand that school protocol requires staff to not release a student unless the adult’s name is on file. We appreciate your cooperation and support in this important safety measure.  

If you have any changes to your after-school routine, please contact the office by 1:00 PM (12:00 PM on Wednesdays).  

Driver Drop-Off and Pick-Up: 

If you are driving your student to school, please make sure you comply with our traffic safety plan, detailed below. 28th Ave W is available to families as an unload zone in the mornings. Please line up behind the school buses. 28th Ave W is not available as a load zone after school. Do not park in the bus zone for pick-up.  

Students should exit vehicles on the curb side only.  

If you are parking nearby and walking to the building, please help us be a good neighbor by not parking within 20 ft of crosswalks, 30 ft of intersections, or blocking any of our neighbors’ driveways! 

We believe that regular attendance is essential to a student’s success at school. We also know that things happen. If your child is going to be absent, please call the school attendance line at (206)-743-3804 or send an email to Ms. Punniya at and include your child’s teacher. If you do not call or email, the attendance secretary will attempt to contact you for details.

If you have a planned absence, please send an email to both the attendance secretary and your student’s teacher at least three days in advance. Be sure to check with your student’s teacher and get assignments/classwork in advance.

Please see our Attendance Policy page for more details.

Since our school was founded, we have had all-gender restrooms at MES. It came to our attention recently that some families weren’t aware of our all-gender restroom policy. Some of our MES families might also not be aware that all-gender restrooms aligns with the district’s practice of building gender inclusive restroom spaces since 2021. MES faculty has an unwavering commitment to inclusivity, and all-gender restrooms offer an inclusive space to all students including our transgender, nonbinary, male, and female students.

Students at MES are accustomed to sharing restroom spaces with all students. Often, all-gender restrooms are within our students’ comfort zone, even while it may differ from what many MES parents experienced in their own school experience growing up where gendered restrooms were most common. We appreciate it when parents consider that school restrooms today must be inclusive of all students and provide privacy. This is why our urinals are covered up and are not used in our school restrooms: they were not built into stalls during the 2019 remodel, and therefore the urinals don’t provide enough privacy in these all-gender spaces. We ask all students to use a stall.

Sometimes, students or families would like a child to have a greater degree of privacy than can be provided in a multi-stall restroom. This could be due to a variety of comfort and/or health needs. For any of these scenarios, students can access a single user restroom in the nurse’s office, or they may use the single-user restroom in our resource classroom on the second floor. A greater degree of privacy may be comforting to some students, so please feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher if facilitating this would be helpful.

As a faculty and staff, we are committed to supporting students with feeling as comfortable as possible in our restrooms given the limitations of our space. We are leaning into this work in our classroom meetings and SEL instruction. We will also continue to problem solve absolutely any restroom misbehavior where our MES restroom firms aren’t being followed. As a staff, we hold true that behavior inside restrooms and our all-gender restroom designations as being unrelated. Our students are capable and kind: we trust that MES kids can be kind and respectful in all spaces, no matter who is using the stall next to them.

We will continue conversations as a staff to find more solutions as needed to any challenges with privacy and behavior in our restrooms.

Supervision for students begins at 7:35 AM. Students should not arrive before then. Students should remain in the courtyard, or in the Commons for breakfast until the 7:50 AM bell rings. There are no balls on the courtyard before school.

It is essential that students be picked up promptly at 2:25 PM (1:10 PM on Wednesdays). Students must have adult supervision present on the playground if they wish to play after school. There is no staff supervision on the playground or at Ella Bailey Park after school.

Magnolia is committed to a safe, civil, and equitable environment for all students, staff, and community members. We follow the Seattle Public Schools policy Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying of students and staff. Concerns about harassment, intimidation, or bullying should first be reported to the principal. Reports can be made verbally or via email.

Students may use non-motorized bikes, scooters, skateboards, and skates as transportation to school, but their use is not permitted on the playground before, during, or after school. Students must lock bikes and scooters in the rack on the north side of the main building. Adults and students using bikes, scooters, skateboards, and skates should also model safety and be mindful of pedestrians.

Per King County law 9.10.010, Requirements regarding bicycle helmets:

Any person operating or riding on a bicycle not powered by motor on a public roadway, bicycle path or on any right-of-way or publicly owned facilities located in King County including Seattle, shall wear a protective helmet designed for bicycle safety. Such helmet shall meet or exceed the safety standards adopted by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) 15 USCS 6004, or Z-90.4 set by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the Snell Foundation, the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), or such subsequent nationally recognized standard for bicycle helmet performance as the county may adopt. The helmet must be equipped with either a neck or chinstrap that shall be fastened securely while the bicycle is in motion.

The guardian of a person under the age of eighteen (18) years shall not knowingly allow, or fail to take reasonable steps to prevent, that person from operating or riding on a bicycle not powered by motor on a public roadway, bicycle path or on any right-of-way or publicly owned facilities located in King County including Seattle, unless that person is wearing a helmet.

As a staff, we have agreed to food-free birthday celebrations. Student birthdays are celebrated in classrooms with a birthday sun and an acknowledgements circle. Students are also encouraged to bring a favorite book for a birthday read-aloud. The book can be donated to the classroom library in honor of the student’s birthday or taken home. Family members are invited to these celebrations. Balloons are not allowed in the building as they interfere with the fire sprinkler system. We ask that birthday party invitations not be distributed at school, unless the whole class is invited.  

At Magnolia, we recognize that there are many different holidays celebrated by many different cultures. Classroom teachers may choose to have events or engaging class activities related to different holidays to teach students about them. But as a school we do not pick and choose holidays to ‘celebrate’. As a result, we do not dress in costume on Halloween. 

Each Seattle public school has a Building Leadership Team (BLT), whose primary function is to promote and facilitate the collaborative decision-making process which affects academic achievement. Its more specific responsibilities are to oversee the facilitation and development of the Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP), professional development, and school budget. Magnolia’s BLT meets monthly and includes the following representatives:  

  • Principal
  • Grade K-1 Teacher
  • Grade 2-3 Teacher
  • Grade 4-5 Teacher
  • Special Education Teacher
  • Specialist Teacher (P.E., art, or library)
  • Classified Staff (Instructional Assistant or Office Staff)
  • PTA Member

The Magnolia BLT is the steward of the academic program of the school; it is the critical support and advisory team for school leadership. In collaboration with teacher leaders, the BLT approves plans for professional development activities to meet the needs of teachers as they work to achieve goals outlined in the CSIP. The BLT determines the annual staffing needs and budget to meet the goals of the CSIP. The BLT also utilizes a racial equity lens in decision making to ensure decisions, policies, and programs, and resources further racial equity in our school.

Bus assignments are provided by the district transportation office for students living at least 1 mile from school. For questions involving transportation issues, contact Transportation at 260-252-0900. 

Please go over the school bus rules with your child. They are important to follow because they involve the safety and well-being of your child and others.  

Sometimes there are unavoidable delays on bus routes. Sometimes there are unavoidable delays on bus routes. If a bus is running more than 15 minutes late, the route number will be added to the Delayed Bus Information page.  

Please reach out to the Transportation Department during the summer to check about your student’s eligibility. This is especially important if your child attends an offsite after-school program. 

Students are not permitted to chew gum on campus. We encourage families to keep candy and sugary drinks at home to help keep our school building clean.

We recognize that some of our students may carry cell phones or smart watches to communicate with parents on their way to and from school. However, students are not allowed to use cell phones or smart watches during the day. If a student needs to make a phone call during the day, they must first get permission from a school adult. If a student is not following these guidelines, the device will be taken away from the student and stored in the office for the student to pick up at the end of the day. If a problem persists, the device will be taken away and an adult family member will be called to pick up the device. The adult family member will also need to meet with the student and principal to address the issue and identify a solution.  

Our school staff has observed that students’ personal devices can and have posed educational disruptions and significant social conflict. Per Superintendent Procedure 2022SP: “use (of) personal electronic devices… (is restricted to) the education and research mission of the district” and “school staff (retain) final authority in deciding when and how students may use personal electronic devices on school grounds and during the school day, (limited to designated district guest networks).”  

Cancellation of school takes place only during extraordinary circumstances such as extreme weather, equipment failure or per a Public Heath, state, or district mandate. Every practical means is used to notify parents of an impending cancellation including the district and school websites, email, the district automated call system, Talking Points, and local television and radio broadcasts.  

We value our partnership with parents in supporting each child’s growth and development. Parent-teacher conferences are an important event and essential to this collaboration. Parent-teacher conferences are held in November. We ask that parents arrive on time for the conference and be mindful of the conference schedule so that each family has ample time to meet.  

A parent or guardian may request a conference with their child’s teacher or the principal at any time during the school year. Likewise, a teacher may sometimes find it necessary to request a special conference with an adult family member outside of the conference week. 

All SPS elementary schools are required to use the same standards-based, district-aligned curriculum in the core subject areas. We believe strong, targeted instruction using research-based best practices ensures every student receives a world-class education. Learn more about curriculum used at Magnolia and across the district.

In alignment with SPS School Board policy 0030 and the district strategic plan, Magnolia is committed to the academic excellence and personal success of every student, in every classroom, every day. Central to this commitment is ensuring educational and racial equity through a Culturally Responsive Teaching Framework that transforms educational opportunities, access, and outcomes for each of our students. has a Racial Equity Team (RET). RET serves as an advisory group for the school’s shared decision-making process to ensure we analyze all school-based decisions with equity in mind.  

We welcome and rely on authentic parent engagement and feedback related to diversity, racial equity, and inclusion. The sharing of perspectives and experiences is essential to our continued effort to be a more inclusive and welcoming school community where every student has a path to success and all parents feel connected. If you have a question, feedback, or concerns related to racial equity and  

inclusion, reach out to school staff directly, or principal Kelly Walter at We welcome and value your feedback.  

While it is preferable to schedule doctor and dental visits outside of school time, we recognize that this is not always possible. If you need to pick up your child during the school day for an appointment, the office staff will call your child to the office when you arrive. Please allow a few extra minutes for this to happen. Please to do ask teachers to keep track of the time when your child must leave.  

We use elementary progress reports (EPRs) to inform parents/guardians about the growth, progress, and efforts of your child three times per year. The EPR is based on student progress in relation to work presented at the student’s grade level or program. Each student has different interests, abilities, and experiences that affect growth, both academically and socially. We encourage parents to review the reports with this consideration in mind. We welcome the opportunity to meet with parents to work cooperatively in helping children develop to their greatest abilities. Contact your child’s teacher to make an appointment if you would like a conference. Magnolia is on a trimester schedule. EPRs will be available on The Source about two weeks after the end of the trimester.  

Excluding the first day of school, school will end at 1:10 PM every Wednesday. School staff engage in collaboration and professional development during this time. All Seattle Public Schools dismiss 75 minutes early every Wednesday.  

Magnolia has a comprehensive safety plan reviewed annually by the district, administration, safety committee, and staff. Each year, staff are trained in safety procedures and protocols. Our Safety Team meets monthly to continuously evaluate and improve school safety. Magnolia follows all safety and emergency procedures and protocols outlined by the Seattle Public Schools Safety and Security Department. Learn about district emergency plans, protocols and procedures. You can contact district security at 206-252-0707  

State law requires schools to have at least one drill per month. Drills must practice four basic functional threat or hazard responses: 

Shelter-in-place: To limit the exposure of students and staff to hazardous materials, such as chemical, biological, or radiological contaminants, released into the environment by isolating the inside environment from the outside.  

Lockdown: to isolate students and staff from violent threats, such as suspicious trespassers, or armed intruders, which may occur in a school or near a school.  

Evacuation: to move students and staff away from threats, such as fires, oil train spills, or tsunamis.  

Earthquake: to practice the “drop, cover, and hold” protocol. 

Prior to emergency drills, school staff will review procedures with students in an age-appropriate way.  

Parent-Student Reunification and Critical Incident Management  

If students are unable to dismiss from school because of weather, natural disaster, or other emergency, we are prepared to keep students safe through a Critical Incident Management Plan and a Parent-Student Reunification Plan.  

During a parent-student reunification, parents must check their child out via the designated student pick-up location so we can account for each child. It is important that parents follow all steps provided by staff/emergency personnel during parent-student reunification. Should the school need to implement emergency reunification, the plans will be communicated via all school channels. Our Magnolia reunification plan is also posted on our website.

Each classroom at Magnolia has an emergency backpack. It contains supplies, copies of emergency procedures, and essential student contact information. Magnolia has additional supplies that would be useful in the event of an emergency. 

Field trips are a fun and important part of the educational experience. Field trip permission forms will be sent home for parent/guardian signatures and will indicate any fees needed for the field trip. Payment should be made online through School Pay. Links will be provided by your child’s teacher. Students must have a signed permission form to participate. If you plan to chaperone a field trip, district requirements must be completed at least two weeks prior to the day of the field trip. See the Volunteers section below.  

Breakfast service begins at 7:35 AM. Students may bring lunch from home or buy school lunch. More information on menus, cost, and how to apply for free or reduced lunch. Students do not have access to refrigerators or microwaves.  

Concerns: Please let us know if your child has any special health concerns (asthma, allergies, chronic conditions, etc.). Contact our nurse, Amanda Corona, at 206-743-3807 or Nurse Amanda is at Magnolia all day on Mondays as well as Tuesday mornings.  

Vision and Hearing Screening: Vision and hearing screenings are typically done in the fall. If your child does not pass the vision or hearing screening at school, the nurse will send a letter home, stating the need for further evaluation by a primary care provider.  

Illness or Injury: In case of illness or injury during the school day, students will be cared for by the school nurse or a member of the school staff. School personnel will render first aid treatment only. If emergency medical treatment is necessary, parents/guardians will be contacted. If parents are not available, 911 will be called and the child will be taken to a local emergency room.  

If there is any reason your child cannot participate in their physical education class or recess, please contact the nurse. Your child will not be excused from health and fitness class or recess without a note or email.  

Immunizations: The Washington State Immunization Law (28A.31.118) requires that all children be immunized to attend school unless a parent/guardian has signed an exclusion form. Learn more about vaccination requirements.

Life-Threatening Health Concerns: Washington State Law (SHB2834) requires that students with life-threatening health conditions notify the school on or before the first day of school annually (such as severe food allergies, bee sting allergies, asthma, hemophilia, diabetes, or seizure disorder).  

Medical care provider provides written orders for medications and treatments, including Authorization to Administer Medication at School.  

Medications must be in pharmacy-labeled bottles for any medications at school.  

An emergency plan from the provider and parent/guardian will assist school personnel in exactly how to help your child in a life-threatening event (including accurate, current phone numbers).  

Medications at school: If your child must take prescription or over-the-counter medication during school hours, a written permission slip must be signed by the parent/guardian and child’s doctor. Medication must be kept in the nurse’s office as a safeguard for all. Over-the-counter medication must be in the original sealed container. All medications must be checked in at the nurse’s office. Forms are available from the nurse or on the district website.

Nurse/Health Room: The health room is open every day; however, we only have a registered nurse on site 1.5 days a week. School health personnel are on call if any emergency should occur. The nurse is responsible for the maintenance of health records, routine health checks, parental contact concerning health problems, care of minor injuries, and assistance in health teaching, and vision screening. Please contact the nurse and the teacher if your child has a health concern.

Research indicates that extra homework has minimal if any impact on student achievement. We believe that, after working hard at school all day, our students need their evening time for unstructured play, dinnertime conversations with their family, and an opportunity to engage in extracurricular activities of their choice. We also strongly encourage our families to follow your pediatrician’s recommendation for sleep. Most elementary students are recommended to sleep 10-11 hours each night.  

There will be times that students are asked to extend the learning they are doing at school. For example, they may be asked to respond to an opinion question about their class read-aloud book. They might also bring home an exit ticket to rework a problem they made a mistake on. These assignments will give you an opportunity to know what they are learning and how they are doing with that learning. Your classroom teacher will talk more about your specific grade level homework opportunities at curriculum night.  

Fourth and fifth grade students may take elementary instrumental music (EIM) lessons. The EIM teacher and schedule are assigned annually by the district. Please see the Instrumental Music page for current information. Brochures and sign-up forms will be sent home by the teacher during the first month of school.  

Articles found in or near the school are put in our Lost and Found. Items of high value or money will be stored in the office. The Lost and Found is near the gym and can be checked by parents before and after school. We encourage parents to label coats, jackets, and sweatshirts with names; labeled items will always be returned to owners. The lost and found is cleaned out regularly and unclaimed items are donated.  

Please keep money at home to prevent loss and other distractions.

We believe inclusive and authentic family engagement is essential to student success. We encourage you to find a way to become involved in your child’s classroom and in the school community. We invite parents, guardians, and extended family members to volunteer in classrooms, programs, and special functions. Volunteers may work directly with students, assist staff in preparing materials, or volunteer at special events. We welcome the diverse cultures, perspectives, experiences, and skills our parent community brings to Magnolia’s educational program. You can learn about opportunities by subscribing to the PTA newsletter or direct requests from your child’s teacher.  

Please see the Volunteers section for requirements.

You will receive weekly or bi-weekly communications from your child’s teacher and can attend a parent/teacher conference in November. We value strong and open communication between parents and teachers and believe it is essential to the success of each student. If you have specific concerns regarding your child or your child’s teacher, we ask that you first contact the teacher before contacting the administration. The principal is available to support the positive, respectful, and productive communication between parents and teachers and ask that you follow this sequence of communication.  

Parents are welcome and encouraged to call the school when the need arises. However, phone calls will not be put through the classrooms for the teacher or student. Messages will be taken and forwarded. We will make every effort to get urgent messages through immediately. If you are calling to notify your student of a change in school pick-up plans, please call the office and we will deliver the message.  

For the safety of all, dogs and other pets may not be on school grounds or in the building at any time. Pets must remain on sidewalks, off-campus. This is district policy. Trying dogs up in areas near the building (such as a stair railing) is not allowed. Please do the safe thing and do not bring dogs onto school grounds.  

A privately contracted photographer takes individual portraits (fall) and classroom group photos (spring). A range of packages are offered for purchase. Yearbooks are available for purchase in the spring and will be coordinated by the PTA. Magnolia will continue to partner with Dorian Studios for these services.  

Each classroom teacher has PCP time allotted in their daily schedule when students are with specialists (physical education, visual arts, library). This is often a good time for teachers to talk with parents or return phone calls. Teachers usually plan their time for PCP. They are not available for drop-in conferences, but it is appropriate to ask for scheduled conferences during this time. Contact your child’s teacher if you would like to schedule an appointment.  

The Magnolia PTA is dedicated to supporting our teachers in their mission to give our children the best education possible. The PTA helps to provide students and families with an enriching and equitable public education and a rich learning environment. PTA fundraising and engagement activities help meet the needs of all students, particularly those furthest from opportunities, by providing additional funding for a librarian, tutors, assemblies, professional development for teachers, and more.

The PTA holds monthly board meetings and general membership meetings. We encourage you to join and volunteer with the PTA. The support, generosity, and partnership of our PTA play a significant role in creating a welcoming and engaging environment for every Magnolia student.

To find out more, visit the PTA website.

We request a minimum of three school days to complete records requests. Please do not expect a same-day response. For students transferring out of Seattle Public Schools to another district in the US, requests must be made by the new school through the SPS online request platform. For applications to private school, please follow the private school’s policy.

Students will have recess outside, except in a major downpour. Please make sure your student dresses appropriately for the weather. We strongly recommend packing extra socks during the rainy months. When indoor recess is needed, students will have recess in their classroom. Adult supervision is provided. For safety reasons, umbrellas are not allowed at recess. If your child walks to and from school, they may bring an umbrella if it is collapsible. 

At the end of recess, students line up with their class to meet their teacher and walk back to class. If a student needs to leave recess for any reason (bathroom, nurse, etc.) they need to notify a recess supervisor before leaving the playground.  

Ella Bailey Park 
Ella Bailey Park shares the block with Magnolia Elementary. Teachers will take students to the park regularly. Students must have a signed walking field trip on file to attend these outings.  

It is helpful for classroom teachers to have a room parent. This person serves as a key communicator and organizer of classroom events as needed. Please contact your child’s teacher if you would like to serve as a room parent.  

General Safety  
To ensure student safety and adherence to district policy and state law, all Seattle Public Schools staff complete mandatory trainings pertaining to student safety each year. Additionally, Magnolia maintains a comprehensive school safety plan that includes prevention/mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery strategies.  

In alignment with district safety and security procedures, exterior doors at Magnolia are locked during the school day. Parents/visitors may only access the building through the main door buzz-in system and secure vestibule.  

Magnolia follows procedures and protocols outlined by the Seattle Public Schools Safety and Security Department. This department is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can contact Safety and Security at 206-252-0707 or The Safe Schools hotline is 260-252-0510.  

Pedestrian and Bike Safety 
Magnolia stresses safety in walking, biking, or riding a school bus to and from school. Every child should always be safety conscious and know the location of their bus stop or the safest route to take. Here are some general street safety rules for students: 

Cross streets at crosswalks.  

Look both ways before crossing a street.  

When walking on a roadway, walk facing traffic.  

Go directly home after school. Do not stop to play at a friend’s house, unless your parents have given permission ahead of time. This also applies to playing at Ella Bailey Park after school. Forgetting this rule has caused anxiety for parents and school staff members looking for “lost” children. 

Do not talk to strangers. Do not accept a ride with anyone unless your parents have given you permission in advance.  

Tell your parents/guardians and a grown-up at school if anyone bothers you or makes you feel uncomfortable on your way to or from school, or on the playground.  

Researchers tell us that parents overestimate the ability of young children to safely cross streets. Practice, practice, practice crossing streets. Parents, please do not ask your child to jaywalk to reach your car. Setting a good example is the first step to teaching your children these skills.  

Zero Tolerance Weapons Policy 
Seattle Public Schools has a no tolerance policy towards weapons of any kind on its campuses and at district-sponsored activities. Seattle Public Schools has a Safe Schools Hotline at 206-252-0510. Reports of students or adults who bring weapons to school, or who otherwise make school an unsafe place, can be made anonymously.

Safety is our utmost goal for students on campus and as they walk to and from Magnolia. We have a student safety patrol program for fourth and fifth grade student leaders. Our safety patrol supervisor is Emma Mercer, 

To be considered for this position, students must show leadership qualities to join our league of patrols and a teacher recommendation is required. Once selected, the students go through AAA Washington Safety Patrol Training, which consists of one classroom instruction session and on-site training. Wherever the student patrols are stationed, they know their paramount duty is safety. They are a wonderful team of students who take their job seriously and we appreciate them, especially on those cold and rainy Seattle days.  

The process/requirements for becoming a patrol: 

  • Must be at least 10 years old (state requirement)
  • Submit student application
  • Parent permission
  • Hearing and vision screening complete
  • Recommendation from teacher; final selection by safety patrol supervisor and principal
  • Complete training (including classroom instruction and on-site training)
  • Exhibit exemplary behavior

The Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP) is an action plan that identifies the areas Magnolia will focus on in the current and coming school year, the performance goals we want students to achieve, and how our school plans to collaboratively meet these goals. Read Magnolia’s CSIP

Magnolia will provide all required supplies for students. In return, we ask families to make a donation, if possible. All students will receive supplies regardless of the ability to pay. Payments can be made online through SchoolPay, at any time during the school year.

Assembly Firms 
I am aware: I stay in my spot and sit on my pockets; I have a safe and calm body 
I value learning: I keep my eyes and ears on the speaker; I raise my hand if I have a question 
I am brave: I keep an open mind  
I stay connected: I stay with my class 

Bathroom Firms 
I am aware: I keep the space clean; I respect the privacy of others; I respect the different identities and ages who may also be in the bathroom; I use a whisper level voice 
I value learning: I use the toilet, flush, wash hands, and return to class 
I am brave: I use my voice if I see harm 

Hallway Firms  
I am aware: I walk, I keep my body to myself, I use a whisper voice 
I value learning: I move with purpose; I use a voice that does not disrupt classrooms 
I am brave: I ask an adult if I need help, I use my voice if I see harm 
I stay connected: I stay with my class 

Lunch Firms 
I am aware: I use a voice where my neighbors can hear me; I keep my body to myself; I eat only my own food; I stay in my seat; I leave my space clean; I raise my had for permission to go to recess 

Recess Firms 
I am aware: I play in the zone that is right for me; I ask for permission to leave the playground; I keep my body safe; I take care of plants and throw away trash 
I value learning: I consider new games and activities; I listen to feedback: I line up quickly when the bell rings 
I am brave: I play with new friends; I share ideas and solve problems; I repair my mistakes 
I stay connected: I include others; I look for win/win solutions; I use words that are helpful and not harmful 

Water Fountain Firms: 
I am aware: I keep water in the fountain and in the bottle. 
I value learning: I fill my bottle and return to class. 

Students may not sell items for personal gain on school property or on a school bus. Fundraising sales by groups which are pre-approved may be allowed. Fundraising for organizations unrelated to Magnolia is not allowed. Students may not distribute any literature at school without the approval of the principal (for example, Scouts flyers or community event flyers).  

Teachers will share information about snack routines at the beginning of the school year. If your child has a food allergy, it is important that the school nurse and classroom teacher are notified prior to the first day of school.

In elementary school, academic, and social-emotional learning go hand in hand. We are committed to growing thoughtful and considerate student citizens and promoting positive relationships within the school community. Learning how to treat others with respect and kindness, how to embrace and value differences, and how to handle conflict are an essential part of the elementary school learning experience. 

Our staff is committed to supporting students with important social/emotional learning in a manner that is encouraging, kind/firm, solution focused and restorative.  

With the use of positive discipline lessons/class meetings (community building, self-regulation, collaborative classroom agreements/routines, growth mindset, identity, problem-solving and repair), staff will follow the five criteria throughout the school day/year: 

  1. Help children feel a sense of connection. (Significance and Belonging) 
  2. Mutual Respect and Encouragement.  (Both kind & firm) 
  3. Awareness (Considers what the child is thinking, feeling, learning, and deciding about themselves and their world – and what to do in the future to survive or to thrive.)  
  4. Teach important social and life skills. (Respect, concern for others, problem solving, and cooperation as well as the skills to contribute to the home, school or larger community.) 
  5. Invite children to discover how capable they are.  (Encourages the constructive use of personal power and autonomy. Voice and Choice

Please see the Positive Discipline page on our website for more information, including resources.  

Classrooms and/or grade levels may have classroom celebrations throughout the year. Your child’s teacher will share specific information about special classroom activities. Balloons are not allowed in the building as they interfere with the fire sprinkler system. We ask that birthday party invitations not be distributed at school, unless the whole class is invited.  

We have a variety of specialized staff at Magnolia. These positions are allocated at each building based on enrollment, student need, and district programming. Magnolia’s specialized staff include special education teachers and assistants, speech therapist, social worker, psychologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, multilingual learner teacher and assistant, and a reading and math specialist. These specialists work with the Student Intervention Team (SIT) to plan and implement student supports and share their skills and resources with staff and parents.

See the SPS Student Dress Policy. We recommend students wear closed toe shoes for recess and physical education. Please help your student dress for the weather.  

Students should leave all toys, including action figures, trading cards, stuffed animals, and athletic equipment at home. We cannot guarantee their security, and try as they might, students cannot guarantee that they will not become a distraction or problem during class time or recess. We do not allow students to use scooters, in-line skates, or roller skates during the school day. With teacher permission, students may bring in toys or personal athletic equipment for a presentation, sharing, or a special occasion.  

Our school and equipment are public property. We are proud of our school, and we want our students to be proud also. Please help us take good care of our equipment, materials, building and grounds. If students accidentally cause damage, they should report it to their teacher immediately.  

All visitors must sign in at the office and wear a badge while on campus. Visitors must have an appointment to enter learning spaces- no drop-ins. Visitors are not required to show proof of vaccination.  

Volunteers are required to complete video training and follow health and safety protocols. Volunteer application process. All paperwork must be submitted at least two weeks before the date you intend to volunteer. There are no exceptions to this policy. The PTA and your student’s teacher will communicate about potential volunteer opportunities.  

Postponement or cancellation of school due to snowy conditions will be posted at the Seattle Public Schools website and will be announced on local radio and television stations. Parents should also receive an automated message from the district in case of school closure. Parents will receive the information more quickly from the media than by calling the school. Please be sure your child dresses warmly in bad weather and that they are prepared for inclement conditions.  

Thank you for entrusting us with your wonderful children. We look forward to partnering with you this year to support their growth and success!