Magnolia Elementary


Attendance Policy

Please report all absences and late arrivals to the main office by telephone or email:

Attendance phone line: 206-743-3804
Attendance email:
Attendance Talking Points: Punniya Poole

When reporting absences, please include your child’s first and last name, their teacher’s name, and a brief explanation of why they will be absent. For state reporting purposes, we need to know if a student is out for a medical reason or for travel or some other reason. Voicemails are checked frequently throughout the day.

The office will follow up on any unconfirmed absences each day. At the elementary school level that means a phone call, email, or Talking Points message to parents/guardians. If we are unable to reach anyone, the absence is considered unexcused until confirmed otherwise. Parents have two days to contact the school to adjust an unexcused absence to an excused absence.

If your child is ill for more than three days or requires a medical leave, a doctor’s note may be required to excuse the absences.

District policy requires that an attendance intervention meeting with the parent is set up after three unexcused/unreported absences per month.

After twenty consecutive unexcused absences, a student is withdrawn from the school roster.

More information about SPS attendance policies are available on the district attendance page

Doctor Appointments

While it is preferable to schedule appointments outside of school time, we recognize that this is not always possible. If you need to pick up your child during the school day for an appointment, please send an email to When you arrive, the office staff will call your child to the office. Please allow a few extra minutes for this to happen.

Afterschool Program Attendance

Families are responsible for communicating absences directly to any afterschool care program or class their student attends.